Monday 29 July 2013

Getting Hit On

   You're there to ply your craft and help them work out. Your major objective is to help people attain their fitness goals. You definitely want to establish a rapport with your clients. However, you want to strive to keep it professional at all times. One thing a Fitness Trainer doesn't need is unwanted amorous attention from a client!
   This can be a common occurrence for women trainers but men trainers are not immune. It can be annoying. It can negatively affect your focus. It can turn into a major headache!
  During my previous tenure as a civil servant in an office, I had a situation that broke bad. There was an office temp who had a crush on me. She was the type that would be more at home at an outlaw biker rally or a support group for women who write love letters to imprisoned serial killers. It should have been obvious to her that I did not run with the the same crowd.  I was no bloated, bad-boy, beer bellied, biker behemoth. I had no Satanic goat head tattoo on my chest nor did I possess a felony rap. Variety can be spice, I suppose. One Friday I stayed late to finish some office work. The smitten office temp sniffed me out like a hound to a wounded fox. "You look like you need a hug!" said the office temp. She nearly cracked my ribs as she took it upon herself to fulfill my imagined need despite my protests. In that twilight zone of time from when the office workers have left and the cleaning staff has yet to arrive,................there is no one to hear your screams!
  There was much foreshadowing that my office situation could spiral out of control. Unfortunately, I ignored the writing on the wall. Don't make my mistakes. Heed some of the following warning signs:
  • Inappropriate comments often accompanied by suggestive innuendo
  • Constant requests to get together after the workout or at another time
  • Uncomfortable questions about your marital or dating status
  • Physical contact or touching that is not necessary to that fitness training interaction 
  • Hanging around you when you are working with another client
   My usual reaction would be to ignore a single comment. Many may disagree with me on that and suggest an immediate response! My thinking is that anyone can sometimes slip up and say the wrong thing. I've sure been guilty of it. You also want to determine if the client is being serious with their advances or just joking around. However if the client is making a repeated habit of stepping past your comfort zone... put a stop to it!  Don't let such behavior escalate!
   Politely inform the offending client that you are there to work not flirt. Hopefully that puts a halt the issue. If the attention continues after your warning you must take further action immediately! It may require that you stop the workout session then and there. If you are employed at a fitness center, notify the manager that you may have a problem. Be familiar with the fitness center's sexual harassment policy.
   Fitness Trainer's with their own business must deal directly with the client. It would be prudent to have a clause outlining your policy on improper conduct in the contract that you have your clients agree to. It can be painful to part ways with someone that you worked hard to recruit. However the integrity of your Personal Training business takes precedence. Do not let uncomfortable conduct fester! An untreated wound gets infected!
A firm 'NO!" should be the first line of defense against
a client that crosses the line.
   A situation in which a woman Fitness Trainer is alone with a client at their home or the trainer's own fitness studio may have the potential to be very uncomfortable or worse. 
Always have an emergency plan! This could be a cell phone with a speed dial for help on the ready. It could be another person available to assist from a nearby location.

Remember my true office parable of inaction. Be smart. Protect your ribs!

Until next time,........keep fit!

Little Bobby Strong!

Friday 26 July 2013

Hitting on Your Clients An Old Blog with New Relevance in an era of Sexual Accusation!

With all that is going on in the entertainment and political world lately regarding sexual impropriety and the Me#too backlash movement it might be a good time to revisit one of my blogs from a few years back.  It is now more relevant than ever. Fitness Trainers are not immune to scandal and litigation!     

   Just recently I was reading an article in the Saturday 'Life' section of a local newspaper. The article was about which professions are best for meeting potential partners for romance. Fitness Trainer was one of the listed occupations. I'm sure the article was meant more as light entertainment that as a piece of informative journalism. However, reading this raised some red flags and got my sleaze scanner going into overdrive. In fact, if you are thinking of becoming a Fitness Trainer because you are looking for such action, my advice is.....................Don't do it!    This is especially true for men but not exclusive to them.
   Nothing will make you look less professional than a reputation for hitting on your clients. 
Sure, some of your trainees may feel flattered and like the attention. But all it takes is one person to file a complaint! News can spread fast in a fitness center environment. Twenty years ago a Fitness Trainer might have gotten away with it. We are in a different era now. A harassment charge can put an abrupt end to a fitness career! Even a mere allegation of impropriety can haunt a Fitness trainer and drag him down like Jacob Marley's ghostly chains.
      Fitness Training often involves working one-on-one with an adult client. There must be a level of trust and comfort. There has to be a rapport which should remain appropriate. It is often necessary for a Fitness Trainer to have physical contact with a client in order to demonstrate proper technique.
   Always ask before touching! Another no-brainer is for a trainer to be sensible about where they lay hands on a client. I've seen some spotting technique that could have earned a well-deserved punch in the jaw if I'd have tried it on any of my protegees. .
   A woman Fitness Trainer doesn't get a free ride either. I don't know of many of my male cronies that would be offended by a flirtatious woman trainer but remember it only takes one complaint to cause a trainer grief! Women trainers may also have the instance of some poor love-starved sap who can't differentiate between friendly banter and a come-on. You want the training sessions to be fun but always tread carefully! Things can backfire fast!
   Okay, I don't want to be a complete killjoy for any single Fitness Trainers. There are only so many hours in the day and much of it is spent in a Fitness Center. Better that you should meet someone active like yourself than spend your time cruising some gin soaked den of iniquity seeking companionship.
Ask before touching a client -
 and it sure better be relevant to the exercise.
Just don't do it while you're on the clock. Try working out at another place that you don't train your clients. Work your magic there all you want. Just don't become the weight room pest!
   I have a Fitness Trainer colleague. He is one of the best in the business. He felt a reciprocal chemistry with a woman client. He did not start romancing her half way through a set of heavy bench presses. No way! He waited until her contract expired. They discussed the matter and then began dating. That's the professional way.

The moral of this story -cover your ass and keep your hands off anyone else's ass!!!!

Until next time,.........keep fit!

Little Bobby Strong!


Thursday 18 July 2013

Follow the Boomers -Fitness Training Demographics

   The percentage of North Americans reaching the age of 65 will soon be reaching astronomical numbers. The tech bust, the mortgage crisis and the Wall Street bank collapse battered many of them economically.
   However, there will still be significant numbers of retirement age people making it to their 'golden years' with sizable pension income and much more time on their hands. It is a no-brainer to suggest that many will have numerous health problems. This will include joint and muscular dysfunction, cardiovascular ailments and the potential deterioration of all other physiological systems.
  'Baby Boomers' are the post World War 2 war generation born from 1946 to 1964. They grew up in a certain amount of affluence compared to the previous generation. These retiring 'Baby Boomers' will be frequent users of the professions that service ageing anatomies. This will mean a greater demand for doctors, dentists, pharmacists, chiropractors and physiotherapists.
   Will there be a greater demand for Fitness Trainers? I predict that such demand will increase.
It would be advantageous for a trainer wanting to tap into this market to get further education on working with an ageing population. The ability of the human body to adapt and recover decreases with age. Fitness trainers wanting to service such clients would be playing with fire by prescribing the same programs that they would with a person in their 20's or 30's.
   Fitness Trainers will also have to make themselves more logistically accessible. There are certain possible trends to be aware of :
  • Aging Boomers will be less willing to travel across the city to visit a Fitness Trainer.
  • Boomers may begin an exodus from the distant suburbs to downsized housing and closer access to services.
  • Much of this downsizing will include moving into condos or community lodging for ageing populations. Many of these complexes come with an exercise room. This could affect Fitness Center membership drives. A wise Fitness Trainer will contact property managers about being able to market themselves towards this demographic group and access these built-in exercise facilities.  
  • Most Boomers will prefer to be close to support systems such as family, grandchildren, and other Boomers. 
  • Boomers that have been active in the past may have done activities such as running, racquet sports or team sports (eg beer league hockey) that have left them with joint injuries. 
Using Demographics to your Advantage
Step 1: Scout out a group of Baby Boomers contemplating
 becoming physically active.
   To access this market, you have to have to make it convenient for them! Aging Boomers will be reluctant to drive to a distant industrial area to visit a fitness studio or a fitness center. They will also be less likely to travel to some place where the parking is a hassle and the traffic is busy. That is why fitness centers often set up in suburban
shopping centers because of the available
   I forecast that visiting the homes or condo exercise rooms of retired Boomers or will be the option of the future. Remember these key words; accessibility and convenience. There are legions of other Fitness Trainers out there.
If they can't get to you easily, they will find someone else.
Step 2: Add Fitness Trainer to the mix (far left) and impress
Boomers with personal skills and fitness knowledge

(Gentleman in center of previous picture returned to lodge for happy hour.)
Still not a bad batting average. 

Follow the Boomers if you want in on the 

Until next time,..keep fit!

Little Bobby Strong!