Sunday 10 April 2022

High Performance Specialist

I finally did it!

After a year of studying, I finally challenged the theory exam for the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) advanced certificate as a High Performance Specialist! 

What are the advantages of this specialized certification? A Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) (as I am) is limited in scope compared to a Certified Exercise Physiologist (CEP). Many of these limitations are gone with possession of the High Performance Specialist designation.

  1. A CPT is restricted from administering 1 repetition maximum assessments for muscular strength. 
  2. A CPT with High Performance Specialization status can administer tests of 90% of 1 rep Maximum and higher. For example I can now test a client for their best single bench press were I so inclined to put their shoulders at risk.
  3. A CPT can not administer VO2 Max aerobic assessments. 
  4. A CPT High Performance Specialist can administer VO2Max tests.
  5. A CPT is not qualified to test maximum anaerobic capacity. 
  6. A CPT High Performance Specialist can assess maximum aerobic capacity.
This makes it much more convenient for a Certified Personal Trainer who is working with serious  competitive athletes.

   Since I was a CPT in good standing with CSEP, I could have just challenged the theory exam. However, I decided to purchase the study modules. I bought 6 modules one by one which eventually cost me $850.00 Much of the course content was focused on periodization for sports seasons. Athlete assessment protocol was also heavy in the curriculum.
   Would I have passed the exam without buying the modules? There were many questions that were just general to fitness training and muscular anatomy and not covered in the modules. I am confident that I would have got to the 70% passing grade anyways but with less of a margin for error.

   There were some issues that emerged, mostly through my own doing.
  • The proper procedure was to apply for approval to challenge the exam first.  I bought the study modules first by mistake.
  • After studying the modules for many months, I realized that I had to apply for 'approval' to write the exam. 
  • The exam registration was $200.00 and had to go through a 3rd party exam coordinator, PearsonVue.  
  • We had to register with the name that was on our birth certificate.
  • My birth certificate reads Robert James Coakley.
  • I am registered with CSEP as Bob Coakley. At first I was not recognized as a CSEP member in good standing . I was required to submit college transcripts, and a fitness training work history. The name change may have caused some confusion..
  • Thankfully, I sent some emails to the right people and things got sorted out. I was worried that after spending money on the study modules I would be deemed not qualified to take the exam.
Fortunately, I was able to successfully challenge the exam. I am now a High Performance Specialist. Bring on those Olympic hopefuls. Little Bobby Strong is ready.

       Performance Enhancement Specialist: Hard Core Athletes line up!

Until next time, Keep Fit, Stay Healthy

Little Bobby Strong
