Tuesday 13 March 2018

The Winter Olympics! Magnificent Medal Melodrama or Malignant Money Milking Mess?

They're baaaaaaack! Wait.....they're over already!
The Winter Olympics were on once again. I should be more enthused but somehow the luster is no longer as shiny and bright. When the Winter Olympics were held in Calgary in 1988 and Vancouver/Whistler in 2010, my enthusiasm was fueled by home grown pride. However, even with that going for it, years of corruption, politics, cheating, doping, and out- of-control expenditure has left a certain taint that isn't easy to wash away. But being the sports aficionado that I am, I did watch many of the events. To see the worlds best athletes doing what they do best does have its appeal.

   Here are some views from this armchair athlete:
  • North Korean athletes will be in attendance at these South Korean Olympics. 
  • North and South marched in under the same flag at the opening ceremonies. 
  • There will even be a North Korean on the South Korean Women's hockey team. How can somebody not be moved by that.
  • Russia has been sanctioned by the International Olympic Committee for 'alleged' state sponsored doping at the2014 Olympics in Sochi, Russia.
  • Approved Russian athletes can compete without a flag as 'Athletes of Russia'. AOR
  • A Russian male bronze medalist in mixed curling was under investigation for a positive doping violation. Then he was disqualified.
  • The Russian got popped for Meldonium, a heart medication that can enhance endurance.
  • I'm confused on this one. Curling requires flexibility, precision and timing. Endurance is not much of a factor. It would make more sense if he tested positive for beta blockers.
  • Former Canadian Football League running back Jesse Lumsden is competing in his third Olympics as a bobsledder. After 4 or 5 injury plagued years in football it looked like his sports career was kaput. 
  • Bobsled draws speed power athletes from sports such as track and field. Hurdlers seem to take to bobsledding well. 
  • Whoops! An AOR athlete also got popped for Meldonium in Bobsled - a speed and power sport. Maybe Meldonium boosts muscle power as well! 
  •  The NHL has opted out of these Olympics. The Canadian Hockey team has many former NHL pros looking for a last hurrah in hockey. They got bronze. Good showing!
  • Alex Harvey just missed scoring Canada's first medal in cross country skiing by finishing 4th. The bronze medalist was from AOR -Athlete from Russia. Could a retroactive medal from a belated doping find be in the future?
  • As a Fitness Trainer, I am interested in what the athletes do for dryland training. Usually they just show brief clips. Coaches can sometimes be secretive.
Stay tuned. The Olympics are over but the aftermath can linger.

Keep fit for the next Olympics

Little Bobby Strong
Bobsled recruits from track and field athletes. I was once a track man. Is it time?????