Thursday 13 September 2018

Online Gaming Tutors for Kids! Is This for Real????

    I saw this news feature on T.V. recently that almost floored me, but it really should come as no surprise.
 Parents are now hiring online gaming tutors for children! Yes, you heard me correctly. (From my observations, most children are already experts at this). Furthermore, parents -mostly Dads- are also hiring such tutors for themselves in order to spend more quality time with their children! Why take them for a hike or throw a ball around when you can sit on the couch and bond while blasting online zombies or hostile alien spacecraft? This is a sign of the times and the likely wave of the future.

Image result for obese kids on cellphones
 The training starts early! They are ready for the online gaming tutor.

 This matter leads me to a few personal observations:
  • The fees for online gaming tutors range from $25.00 and up. Ironically, that is the same price range for hiring most Fitness Trainers which might be a better use of the money for purposes of health and physical well being.
  • I have acquaintances with outdoor swimming pools. They often have to coax their kids to go go out for a swim even on a scorching hot day. Why jump into a pool of unknown temperature when they can play with their electronic gadgets on a sofa in an air conditioned room?
  • Organized sports for youth are still booming. Unorganized sports, also known as physical play, are an endangered species. 
  • School boards in a certain district banned soccer balls from school playgrounds because some unlucky pupil got hit in the head. You can't totally blame the school officials. Insurance and liability issues often become a factor.
  • We used to play a schoolyard game of chase in the winter known as 'British Bulldog'. The person that was 'it' would attempt to tackle those that he pursued. The snow cushioned the tackle.
  • I do not remember any serious injuries. You learned to relax when getting tackled.
  • We had a kid at school named' D. W.' who was an overweight 250 pounds. Occasionally someone would get winded if tackled by D. W. 
  • Even though D. W. was overweight he was active and was actually a capable athlete in any sport requiring some strength or power. 
  • School physical education classes are also an endangered species. Most schools are phasing them out for more computer related learning.
  • The fitness club where I work out has a kid zone where there are gaming exercise machines. The participants must run or cycle to create the energy source to power the machines, These machines sit idle. 
  • Meanwhile the regular sedentary video machines located in the lobby are surrounded by kids. or else they use their own hand held devices.
  • Go by any elementary school in the late afternoon and there is a line up of parents in cars waiting to drive their children home. Heaven forbid they should fall prey to the hordes of evil child abductors while getting exercise by walking home. 
  • There are exceptions to this anti-activity epidemic. Skateboarders seem to rebel against the sedentary system in significant numbers. Likewise with snowboarders. All is not lost -yet!
   Twenty years from now, there may be an exponentially greater demand for Fitness Trainers. However, first they will have to market their product and make it more appealing that what the online gaming tutors are selling. Good luck with that. L.O.L.

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You have to admit - the gaming tutors produce gaming scholars!

Until next time,  Keep Fit

Little Bobby Strong

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