Thursday 26 June 2014

Fitness Training and the Three Body Types

There is a theory that classifies the human body into 3 physical types.
  1. Skinny
  2. Muscular
  3. Fat             
William Herbert Sheldon was a psychologist, eugenicist and medical professor who developed a theory that there are 3 predominant body types or somatypes:

  1. Ectomorph: This body type is slight and lean. Ectomorphs are low in visible muscle and fat but may be high in endurance capacity. The ectomorph could excel in sports such as distance running, cross country skiing or endurance cycling. Think of Jim Ryun, Greg Lemond, or Bjorn Dahlie. Since we're talking Sheldon's Theory - yes Sheldon from 'Big Bang Theory' is a perfect example of an ectomorphic  physical build.
  2. Mesomorph: This body type is muscular and built for speed and power events.The star quarterback , the track and field sprint star, or the champion bodybuilder usually fit this mold. Real life examples might be football's Tim Tebow, sprinter Usain Bolt, and bodybuilder and later California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger. 
  3. Endomorph: This body type stores fat easily and may tend towards obesity if the lifestyle is unchecked. However endomorphs can combine strength and mass to excel in sports requiring these traits. Football offensive linemen, weight throwers in track and field, heavyweight powerlifters, and 'Worlds Strongest Man' competitors are usually endomorphs, Think of Olympic weight lifter Vasily Alexeev, strength champion Magnus ver Magnesson or Canadian shot putter Dylan Armstrong. Throw in a ZZ Top beard and some hard core tattoos and you get your typical Biker bar bouncer. Mess with these guys at your peril!
   I first came across Sheldon's theory when I was in High School. I stumbled upon a copy of Popular Mechanic magazine from the late 1960's. According to the article, each person has some characteristics of each somatype on a scale of 1 to 7. The dominant body type has the highest. The article profiled hockey players. Bobby Hull - nicknamed the Golden Jet- was a perfect mesomorph scoring a 1-7-1. He rated 1 in endomorphic qualities, 7 in mesomorphic - and 1 in ectomorphic. Bobby Hull was hockey's fastest skater and terrorized goalies with the world's fastest slapshot.
Bobby Hull was a fast twitch muscle, mesomorphic beast!

   There appears to be a logical correlation between two body somatypes and muscle fiber characteristics.
  • Ectomorphs tend to be lower in explosive fast twitch muscle fibers but higher in slow twitch muscles that are efficient in cardiovascular endurance.
  • Mesomorphs are lower in slow twitch fibers and dominant in fast twitch fibers.
  • Endomorphs can be dominant in either muscle fiber type. It is less common to see endomorphs excel in endurance events but not unrealistic. I personally know people with round shaped body types who compete successfully in full length Ironman Triathlons. An endomorph with dominant fast twitch muscle fiber can become a human wrecking machine on a power/strength program.
      People can have characteristics of all body types with varying degrees of dominance. Bruce Jenner was a mesomorphic track and field decathlete almost 40 years before his back-up role on 'Keeping Up With the Kardashians'. The decathlete is almost often a mesomorphic monster. Jenner also ran a smoking 1500 meters race indicating strong ectomorphic tendencies as well.
   This does not mean that people can't change their physical shape. Ectomorphs can slowly add muscle with proper resistance training. Conversely, they can morph into round, overweight body shapes with a sedentary lifestyle. Inactive mesomorphs can pile on fat quickly or shed visible muscle with extensive endurance training, Endomorphs can shed weight and add muscle.

   Numerous scientist have tried to critique Sheldon's theories. In terms of the physiological aspects, the theory seems to have survived much official scrutiny.
   What does this mean for Fitness Trainers? It might help to have an idea of your client's dominant body type. A visual assessment should give you an idea. Obviously you want to work on the client's weaknesses. An overweight endomorph should  work on weight reduction and cardiovascular issues. However, remember the golden rule of Fitness Training.   Set your client up for success.
 The same client may respond enthusiastically to strength training exercises.
An ectomorph will likely perform better at endurance work than strength work. A mesomorph will respond physically to a strength and power regime. Gauge the body type!
Develop according to strength as well as weakness. Coordinate the goals of the client with their physical attributes. Use the body type to their advantage. 

The 3 body types from left to right
Publisher's note: No, the one on the right is not the 'Golden Jet'!
Until Next Time,..
Keep Fit!

Little Bobby Strong      

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